Higher Education
Ensure all education facility systems function according to design intent.
Higher Education Overview
Ensuring proper air and water balancing in higher education buildings impacts more than just the comfort of faculty, staff, and students. Integra’s higher education services enhance the health and safety of campus communities, improve academic performance, and provide significant energy savings, freeing up resources for other institutional priorities. According to the Government Accountability Office, many educational facilities require HVAC upgrades, and a UC Davis report indicates that outdated HVAC systems account for 85% of buildings failing to meet proper ventilation standards as defined by ASHRAE. Furthermore, the CDC reports that inadequate ventilation can contribute to illnesses, while proper ventilation reduces the risk of airborne infections, such as Sars-COVID-2, by 80%. Studies show that improved ventilation correlates with a 14% increase in cognitive performance. These upgrades and adjustments also offer the potential for energy savings of up to 40%, benefiting both budgets and sustainability goals.