K-12 Services

Ensure all your K-12 building systems function according to design intent.

K-12 Overview

Ensuring proper air & water balancing in schools impacts more than just the comfort of the staff and students. Integra’s K-12 services impact the health and safety of the staff and students, have documented effects on improved educational performance by the students, and provide improved energy savings for allocation of funds to other important student programs. The Government Accountability Office states that nearly 41% of schools are estimated as needing HVAC upgrades. A report by UC Davis showed that antiquated HVAC systems accounts for 85% of schools not meeting proper ventilation standards as defined by ASHRAE. The CDC attributed 57% of children’s illnesses in schools to lack of proper ventilation, and that proper ventilation can reduce the Sars-COVID-2 infection risk by 80%. Schools with proper ventilation documented 14% increase in students’ performances in mathematics and reading. These upgrades/adjustments can also lead to energy savings for schools that have been recorded as high as 40%.

K-12 Projects